"UKC | FCI White Shepherds"

Majestic White Shepherds, USA divider bar

Majestic Puppy Application

Applicant Information


2. Address:

3. City:

4. State:

5. Zip Code:

6. Email:  

7. Phone:

8. How long have you been at this address? 

Applicant questionnaire

9. What is your purpose for wanting a Majestic puppy?

10. Do you live in the  City  Rural Area  Country  Other:

11. Do you live in a House Mobile Home Apartment Other

12. Do you Own Rent Lease Other

13. If you are renting / leasing, please provide the landlord's information:

14. Is this your first pet / dog? Yes No

15. How many pets do you currently have?

16. Do you have a local veterinarian? Yes No

17: If yes, what is the name and contact information of your veterinarian?

18: Who will be the primary car giver of your Majestic Puppy?

18 a. Will this dog have access to a fenced yard?
     Chainlink   Wood    Invisible

19. Will your new Majestic puppy be living Inside Outside Other

20. If your Majestic puppy is to live outside, what type of shelter will he/she have? Please explain:

21. If your Majestic puppy is to live inside, will anyone be home during the day to walk and care for him/her?   Yes  No Other

22. If no, how many hours on the average will your Majestic puppy be left alone? 1-6 hrs 6-10 hrs More than 10 hours

23. Do you have any children? Yes No

24. If yes, how many children 1-3  3-5 More than 5

25. What are the childrens ages?  3-5 years 5-8 years 8-12 years 12-15 years 16-19 years 20+

26. Does anyone in your home have an allergy to animals? Yes No

27. If yes, to what and how severe?

28. Do you a gender preference? Male Female

29. What do expect the activity level of your Majestic puppy to be? Very High High Moderate Low

30. Have you ever house trained a puppy before? Yes No

31. Do you know what crate training is? Yes No
32. Will you be attending any training classes with your Majestic puppy?   Yes No

33. If yes, what kind of activities or competitions are you interested in doing with your Majestic Puppy?
Show/Breed Obedience Agility Rally Herding Flyball
Weight Pull Therapy Dog Tracking Search/Rescue Other

34. If you answered "other", please explain?

35. How long did your last pet live? 0-3 years 3-6 years 6-10 years 10 years plus

36. What were the circumstances of his/her death? Please explain

37. Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder?   Yes No

38. If yes, what were the circumstances of returning your pet?

39. Have you ever given a pet away?   Yes No

40. If yes, what were the circumstances for giving the pet away? Please explain

39. Have you ever taken a pet to a shelter or dog pound? Yes No

40. If yes, what were the circumstances of bringing pet to shelter?

41. Do you intend to breed your Majestic puppy? Yes  No

42. Do you understand what the difference is between "limited registration" and "full registration"? Yes  No

43. How did you find us?   

44. If other Please explain:

Thank  you! You will be notified of your application status via email in a few days. If you do not hear from me in 3 days, please call to make sure I received your puppy application. Thank you ‭(607) 397-8214‬